Online English for Nurses Course
Helping healthcare professionals improve their medical English.
Course Overview
Communicating accurately and effectively is critical to the safety, care and wellbeing of patients.
This 100-hour, online course teaches the English that nursing professionals and students need to communicate effectively in all essential situations at work, including key patient interactions, clinical pathways, giving accurate handovers, drugs calculations, post-operative and end-of-life care.
The course is designed for nurses with intermediate (B1–B2) level of English who work or study in English. The course is easy to use, enjoyable and, above all, practical.
Online Course Content
Introducing yourself and saying what you do
Welcoming a patient
Talking to patients and colleagues
Describing your role and responsibilities
Staff in the hospital
Medical terminology
Everyday healthcare language
Hospital charts: patient admission form
Talking about pain
Types of pain
Pain severity and location
Administering pain medication
Types of pain killers, side effects
Chronic pain: osteoarthritis
Hospital charts: pain scales
The body: anterior and posterio
Infection control
PPE, micro-organisms, HCAIs
Taking a blood sample
Taking a temperature, abnormal readings
Wound infections, burns chart
Isolation nursing
Hospital chart: wound care chart
The body: skin, nails, hair
Intravenous therapy and IV injections
IV equipment, needle stick injuries
Administering IV fluids
Checking and giving an IV antibiotic; VIP scores
Drug calculations
Taking about clinical pathways
Hospital charts: fluid balance chart
The body: arms and hands
Administration of medications
Types of medication
Checking drugs, dose, frequency, allergies
Discussing side effects and precautions
Medication and the elderly
Putting in eye drops and eye ointment
Hospital charts: drug charts
The body: ears and eyes
Pressure area care
Pressure ulcers and ulcer stages
The body: the lower back and buttocks
Changing a patient’s position
Intentional rounding
Pressure area care of wheelchair-bound patients
Waterlow pressure area assessment tool
The body: lower back and buttocks
Injuries and falls
Falls and injuries
Sprains, strains, fractures and dislocations
Care of a patient with a plaster cast
Giving a handover
Writing an incident report
Hospital charts: Falls Risk Assessment
The body: legs, thighs, hips, feet
Breathing difficulties
Respiration and respiratory difficulties
Breathing equipment
Asthma–types of inhalers and nebulisers
Upper respiratory tract infections
Discussing lifestyle changes
Hospital charts: oxygen prescription
The body: the chest
Post-operative care
Vocabulary of post-operative care
Taking a handover in Recovery
Explaining discharge information
Managing phone enquiries
Using SBAR to communicate with colleagues
Hospital documentation: district nurse referral
The body: the abdomen
End-of-life care
Types of cancer and cancer treatment
Talking about chemotherapy side effects
Managing unpleasant symptoms post-radiotherapy
Palliative care
Supporting relatives
Hospital charts: DNAR orders
The body: mouth and throat
Private Medical English Tutoring
London Medical Exchange are offering an exclusive 1-2-1 online tutoring with a number of our experienced tutors.
Please contact us for more details.