Online English for Radiography Course
Helping healthcare professionals improve their medical English.
Course Overview
The demand for radiography has grown dramatically over the last few years. Medical imaging plays a vital role in modern healthcare, with almost all patient pathways reliant on an effective service to improve patient outcomes.
This 30-hour, online course teaches the English that enables radiographers to enhance their professional communication internationally.
It teaches the language you need to participate effectively in this international world-whether it be treating patients in English or keeping up with new research and attending conferences.
The course is designed for students with an upper-intermediate or advanced (B1orB2) level of English.
The English course covers the language you need to describe important areas of radiography, including:

Roles and responsibilities
Patient communication in multiple scenarios
CT scans
Safety in radiography
Diagnosing and monitoring
Training and skills
The course is dynamic and engaging. It includes video, audio, articles, vocabulary, recording and pronunciation activities
Online Course Content
The Radiographer
The job
The training and skills you need
Safety in radiography
Patient communication: a patient history
What is magnetic resonance imaging?
The uses of MRI
Future development in MRI
MRI and patients
The Chest X-ray
The chest and ribs
Diagnosing and monitoring
Patient communication: instructing the patient
The CT Scan
The CT Scanner
Having a CT scan
The contrast medium in CT
The uses of CT
CT or virtual colonoscopy
Patient communication: CT scans
Communication in Radiography
Greeting the patient
A communication frame work in healthcare
Communication style in radiography
Communicating for special situations
Communication with challenging patients